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Pet Care Tips

Cat Teeth Cleaning: How to Clean Cat's Teeth At Home?

Cat Teeth Cleaning: How to Clean Cat's Teeth At Home?

Cats can suffer gum disease and oral health issues, which is why consistent dental care is important for felines. Here, our Los Angeles vets discuss cat teeth cleaning and how to care for your kitty's teeth at home.

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Tooth Resorption in Cats

Tooth Resorption in Cats

Tooth resorption occurs when the structure of the teeth under the gums erode or collapse, leading to serious oral damage, and it can happen to felines too! Here, our Los Angeles veterinarians discuss the symptoms of tooth resorption in cats, the different types, and how to get it treated.

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Why Won't My Dog Eat?

Why Won't My Dog Eat?

It can be scary when your dog refuses to eat, but it isn't always an emergency. Here, our Los Angeles vets discuss some reasons your dog might not be eating, what you can do to help, and when you should be concerned about it.

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Top 10 Toxic Dog Foods

Top 10 Toxic Dog Foods

Dog owners love to give their pups special little treats now and then, but it's important to know what human foods are bad for dogs so you can avoid them! Here, our Los Angeles veterinarians list the top 10 toxic foods for dogs.

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How to Prepare Your Dog For Surgery

How to Prepare Your Dog For Surgery

No matter how big or small, surgical procedures for our beloved companions can be incredibly stressful. Luckily, there are some things you can do leading up to the procedure to help put your mind at ease and make it a smooth experience. Our veterinary surgeons in Los Angeles talk about how you can help prepare your dog for surgery in the time leading up to their procedure.

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Overweight Cat: Nutrition & Treatment

Overweight Cat: Nutrition & Treatment

In recent years, overweight and obese cats have become more and more common. In this post, our Los Angeles veterinarians explain how to tell if your cat is overweight, the risks this poses to their health, and how you can help them lose those extra pounds.

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Cat Dental Health: What Every Owner Should Know

Cat Dental Health: What Every Owner Should Know

Just like humans, your cat's dental hygiene is very important and should be looked after regularly. Dental issues in cats can become severe and cause your kitty great pain, even leading to avoidance of food. Our Los Angeles vets explain how to maintain your cat's dental health and why it is important.

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Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's?

Is a dog's mouth cleaner than a human's?

The saying "a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's mouth" has been around for a long time, but is it true? Today, our Los Angeles vets tackle this age-old question.

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Cat Tooth Extractions

Cat Tooth Extractions

There may be times when your cat has experienced dental damage or decay that is beyond repair and needs to be addressed immediately. Here, our Los Angeles vets discuss the reasons that your cat may need a tooth removed and what you can expect if they require tooth extraction surgery. 

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All About Dental Chews and Treats For Dogs

All About Dental Chews and Treats For Dogs

You may have seen the variety of dog accessories available at your local pet store or vet office and wonder if your dog should have any of them. After all, you often see other dogs with chews and treats. Our Los Angeles veterinary dentists talk about dental chews and treats for dogs including when your dog should have them and factors to take into consideration when choosing a dental chew.

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Our veterinarians are passionate about caring for Los Angeles companion animals. Get in touch today to request an appointment for your pet. 

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